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Spill Kits
Everything Water Australia supplies SpillSmart Spill Kits, one of Australia’s most trusted brands. These spill kits will take ups pills on land and water all contain premium components compatible with a variety of liquids.

SpillSmart General Purpose Spill Kits
SpillSmart General Purpose Spill Kits provide products suitable for absorbing both oil and water-based non-hazardous liquids including, paints, inks, glue, hydrocarbons, oils, fuels and grease. These kits are suitable for indoor and outdoor spills on hard surfaces.
Available in the following sizes:

SpillSmart Hazchem Spill Kits
SpillSmart Hazchem Spill Kits contain inert products that will effectively and efficiently absorb hazardous chemical spills on hard surfaces. This includes most acids, coolants, solvents, oils, fuels, grease and water-based liquids.
Available in the following sizes:

SpillSmart Oil & Fuel (Hydrocarbon) Spill Kits
SpillSmart Oil & Fuel (Hydrocarbon) Spill Kits contain highly effective products that will absorb hydrocarbon-based liquids including oils, Petroleum, Diesel, solvent and grease. Suitable for cleaning up spills on hard surfaces.
Available in the following sizes:

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