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MET Recycling
MET Recycling operates an EPA approved recycling plant, utilising waste building materials for reuse in the Construction Industry. The site is unique in that there is no water source. The EWA system had to be designed to effectively treat all the site rainwater run-off so that it could be reused on-site for dust suppression and wheel wash or disposed of to trade waste.
The Domino WWR system was sized based on the average yearly rainfall but had to account for 1 in a 100-year event. EWA in their design had to accommodate for the Domino WWR system being dormant for periods of time, whilst at other times, operating 24 hrs./day.
The design of the Instruments and Control system enables the Domino WWR to operate in 3 phases:
- No rainwater run-off, using recycled water for wheel wash and dust suppression
- Minimum rainfall, using recycled water for wheel wash and dust suppression
- Maximum rainfall, using recycled water for wheel wash and dust suppression with excess treated water to trade waste.
To satisfy EPA requirements, we also supplied one of our EWA rental units until construction, installation and final commissioning were completed for the permanent containerised system.
Design and Manufacturing of all the equipment, namely:
- Custom designed and manufactured Domino Waste Water Recycle System
- Custom designed and manufactured Operational and Control System
- Installation and Commissioning of the system
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Whether you know exactly the type of system or equipment you are after or you require expert advice, our water industry experts are ready to serve you to the highest standard.